Earth`s Cryosphere», 2018, Vol. XXII, № 3, p. 24-35


V.N. Makarov, N.V. Torgovkin

Melnikov Permafrost Institute, SB RAS, 36, Merzlotnaya str., Yakutsk, 677010, Russia;

The geochemical nature of the anthropogenic deposits (the cultural layer) in the urban area of Yakutsk is described. The presence of permafrost has determined the geodynamic and geochemical stability of the anthropogenic deposits, which vary in their chemical and mineral composition, structure, and physical and mechanical properties, as well as in the mode of chemical migration and concentration. It has been shown that the occurrence of anomalous concentrations of microelements in the urban soils is due to anthropogenic processes and the chemistry of Quaternary alluvial deposits. Human-induced salinization and contrasting anomalies of toxic elements in the older parts of the city occur throughout the cultural layer and extend to the upper layers of the alluvium. The thickness of the human-induced geochemical haloes in the cultural layer depends on the age of urban development, reaching 8 to 10 m.

Geochemistry, anthropogenic deposits, urbanization, cultural layer, permafrost

DOI: 10.21782/EC2541-9994-2018-3(24-35)