Earth’s Cryosphere, 2019, Vol. XXIII, No. 6, p. 48-49


M.R. Sadurtdinov, D.S. Drozdov, O.E. Ponomareva

Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS,
P/O box 1230, Tyumen, 625000, Russia;

On September 14, 2019, Nataliya Georgievna Moskalenko, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, a well-known geobotanist and landscape scientist, who devoted most of her life to the study of permafrost, passed away. Her scientific path has been an example of continuous self-improvement and devotional service to science.

Geocryology, landscape science, Nataliya Georgievna Moskalenko

DOI: 10.21782/EC2541-9994-2019-6(48-49)