Earth’s Cryosphere, 2020, vol. XXIV, No. 3, pp. 3–15


S.M. Fotiev

Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, 86, Malygina str., Tyumen, 625026, Russia

The author has studied the most debatable theoretical and regional issues of geocryology since 1954 during his entire research work. This article presents the results of this work. The chronicle of changes in geocryological conditions for the last 3.1 million years was compiled for the first time to improve upon theoretical fundamentals of geocryology. The problem of the cryogenic metamorphism of deposits and ground waters within the geological structures was first considered from the position of thermal interaction between natural waters and permafrost section. Regional studies of the author in southern Yakutia allowed explaining several phenomena. Those are ground temperature formation (from +2 °C in the interfluves to –4 °C in the valley bottoms), significant (on average up to 50 %) permafrost discontinuity along with relatively small (from 0 to 150 m) permafrost thickness. The author also interpreted the abundance of large groundwater springs with an output up to 2–10 m3/s. The main controls for that phenomena are an air temperature inversion and infiltration of rainwater simultaneously with active tectonic movements. For the North of West Siberia, the author proved syncryogenic nature of the Holocene peatlands and revealed the reasons for formation of thick (up to 7 m) peatlands in Arctic regions. It is also demonstrated that forest’s boundary did not advance essentially (for 400–500 m) onto the territory of the contemporary tundra in the early Holocene. The author explains this by the fact that at that time birchwood of high productivity grew only at the lake depression slopes.

Key words: geocryological chronicle, cryogenic metamorphism, permafrost, ground waters, air temperature inversion, infiltration, Arctic peatlands

Please cite as:

Fotiev S.M. Debatable problems of geocryology: review of achievements.  Earth’s Cryosphere, 2020, vol. XXIV, No. 3, pp. 3–15, DOI: 10.21782/EC2541-9994-2020-3(3-15)